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Battles & Leaders

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CAD$ 0.00
  • Description
    A game of tactical level combat in the American Civil War 1861-65.From the back of the game box- Battles & Leaders allows players to recreate brigade size engagements of the American Civil War. Accurate and playable rules cover the important aspects of the combat such as: formations (column, line, and skirmish), charges, melee, routs, leadership, sharpshooters, morale and the quality of individual regiments and more. The game's mechanics take into account over twenty different weapons types ranging from the standard rifled musket and the twelve pound Napoleon field piece to the breach loading Whitworth rifle. Scenarios include 'historical situations' such as Little Round Top and Bloody Angle as well as situations that were 'generic' to the war such as meeting engagements and cavalry raids. Battles & Leaders is a game that covers its subject with style and detail but maintains an ease of play while presenting players with the 'feel' of the era. - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    Ages: 12 and up
    Players: 1 to 4
    PrimaryName: Battles & Leaders
    Product Title: Battles & Leaders
    Publisher: Yaquinto
    Time: 180 minutes
    Year: 1981
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