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  • Description
    From Publisher:Celtos is a fast paced miniature tabletop battle system for two or more players. The game is set in the ancient land of Goria, which is fought over by powerful heroes and potent mages, wizards and shamans, and their warbands of warriors. Five races battle for dominion over Goria: the Fir Bolg-the accursed living dead hosts of Anwyn, the Sidhe-the immortal elven rulers of the elements, the Fomorians-demonic orc and goblin spawn of Chaos and Old Night, the Gaels-warrior men and women, the favored children of the All Mother and the Vanir-dwarven raiders of the frozen wasteland.Celtos contains all the information you need to play games with your Celtos miniatures, including army lists to get you started. There are army book supplements available for each race that introduce new rules and contain many more troop types for your armies, allowing you to play more advanced games - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    Ages: 9 and up
    Category: Fantasy, Miniatures, Wargame
    Designer: (Uncredited)
    Players: 2 to 2
    PrimaryName: Celtos
    Product Title: Celtos
    Time: 120 minutes
    Year: 2003
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