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  • Description

    Each player starts the game with one taxi and $500 (borrowed). The idea of the game is to move around the board according to the basic rules of road safety and earn money by picking up cash fares from the various taxi 'ranks'. Once you have sufficient capital you may buy a second taxi and progress to a stage where you have enough money to convert your ordinary taxis into Supercabs.

    These Supercabs give you double income from 'ranks' and double income or penalties from radio calls.

    The game is won when a player has two Supercabs and is able to complete a circuit of the board, arriving at his 'base' with enough cash to repay all his accumulated debts. The player with the greatest assets wins.

  • Details
    Category: Transportation
    Designer: (Uncredited)
    Publisher: John Sands Pty Ltd
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