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Auto Repair: A Game of Expenses

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CAD$ 0.00
  • Description
    Sub-title 'What it takes to keep your car on the road'. Published in Olympia, WA. Some bizarre symbol for the Company Logo. Components consist of a one-sided Rules Sheet, Gameboard, 6 various color cars, 6 sets of various color chips to match the cars, 2 DICE, and a pack of M-opoly style Money. Anyway, a M-opoly style board layout with Dividend spaces and cards of various denominations depicted which, when the player lands on THAT card's place, the player can use the card as payment. 2 of these cards are printed in RED and can be held by a player and when others land on the space indicated on that card, then they pay the card holder. If the player holding the RED card(s) land on THAT place indicated by the RED card, it is placed back into the bottom of the deck. DIVIDEND cards can be sold for the amount indicated on them, either to the BANK or another player. TOKENS-(color chips) are given out when a player lands on START and can be placed on any BLACK numbered space NOT in a corner, but only one allowed at a time. Landing on BLACK numbered spaces results in paying either to the BANK or to the player that has a chip in that space. RED spaces and you collect money either from the BANK if empty or the player of the LAST vehicle in the same space. Land in a space with more than 1 vehicle, except corners, and you pay Double Parking penalties to each player there. Landing on Collision spaces and you only pay THOSE costs and no others. Last player in the game with any money is the winner. - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    Ages: 10 and up
    Designer: (Uncredited)
    Players: 2 to 6
    Publisher: (Unknown)
    Time: 120 minutes
    Year: 1989
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