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Banana Republic (1)

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CAD$ 0.00
  • Description
    Banana Republic. A small nation. Somewhere. Nestling between the mountains and the sea. Consisting of six provinces, each with a unique topography, character and culture. And each with its own REBEL LEADER, consumed and driven by ambition. A country struggling for unity after a long and peacefully ignominious colonial past, but, more often than not, torn apart by ethnic differences and personal ambition. Not to mention its neighbors, sometimes meddling in its affairs, and sometimes being manipulated and bullied by the Republics leaders. At the start of the game each player is the REBEL LEADER of one of the provinces.THE POLITICS: Invariably chaotic. Each province has its own REBEL LEADER, jockeying for power. The Prize: The Presidency!At the center is THE PRESIDENT in his palace, attempting to hang on to power! His aim, and therefore the ultimate aim of each of the REBEL LEADERS: to become PRESIDENT FOR LIFE!THE MEANS: Recruit soldiers, and arm them for those inevitable ARMED CHALLENGES.Perform public works programs such as building roads, schools, hospitals etc. with the sole aim of buying ...sorry... gathering tax-paying voters for those crucial ELECTIONS.Manage political scenarios by means of multiple choice Monkey Puzzle cards.And out of left field come Natural Disasters, sometimes with devastating consequences.The game is a humorous simulation of the political dynamics of a small country. Not a deep strategy game, but certainly a fun game with lots of player interaction. - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    Ages: 10 and up
    Category: Humor, Political
    Designer: Ben Louw
    Players: 3 to 6
    PrimaryName: Banana Republic
    Product Title: Banana Republic
    Publisher: Banco Boardgames
    Time: 90 minutes
    Year: 2002
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