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  • Description

    Barrier is similar to Ludo/Pachisi. It is a roll and move game in which you try to get all your counters round the board before your opponents, however you can also use your counters to form barriers (by stacking multiple counters on top of each other). Forming a barrier blocks your opponents from moving past until they roll an exact number (which reduces your barrier by 1). The downside of this is that your barrier counters can not move, but can be disbanded at any time.

    The game is played in teams of 2, and your roll can count for either you or your partner. Partners must be formed form opposite colours (i.e. red & yellow, blue & green, orange & purple). Both partners can contribute to a single barrier or create separate barriers. Landing on an opponents counter sends it back to the start.

    The strategy of the game revolves around 6 key points:
    1) Where to build barriers for the best effect
    2) When to build barriers
    3) When to break barriers
    4) The order of colours in the barrier
    5) When not to 'knock off' your opponents counters
    6) How to keep counters moving

    The rules also allow for the length of the game to be altered. Each counter each person has equates to 30 minutes game play - meaning a game where each person has 4 counters lasts 2 hours, a 6 counter game will last 3 hours. It is not recommended to play with less than 4 counters each, due to the need to create barriers.

  • Details
    Ages: 7 and up
    Category: Children's Game, Dice
    Family: Pachisi-Ludo
    Publisher: VeeBee Games
    Time: 120 minutes
    Year: 1989
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