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Baseball Tycoon

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CAD$ 0.00
  • Description
    From the back of the box :What's it like being the owner of a professional baseball team ? Find out when you play Baseball Tycoon!Signing ballplayers, dealing with free agents, comping with injuries and player suspensions, season ending strikes in Baseball Tycoon you're faced with the same challenges that modern-day owners tackle as they try to win a championship. There are six different types of ballplayers you can sign, from Scrubs to Ultrastars. As you sign players, you draw performance cards to see how well they perform. You collect money from ticket sales, your TV contracts, and licensing deals. The amount you collect depends on how good your team is and the quality of your stadium and contracts. You're in a race against other owners to see who can build a championship team and reach the Winner's Circle first! - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    Ages: 0 and up
    Category: Sports
    Designer: William D. Barber
    Players: 2 to 5
    PrimaryName: Baseball Tycoon
    Product Title: Baseball Tycoon
    Publisher: LaForest Products, Inc.
    Time: 90 minutes
    Year: 1998
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