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Bataille d'Eckmuhl, La

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CAD$ 0.00
  • Description
    It is nearly noon, 22nd April 1809, and still no news from the Emperor. You, Marshal Davout, best French leader and victor of Auerstedt, carefully listens to the thunder of artillery which, from the South, shall indicate that the battle has begun. For the moment, you must hold with two divisions.. but others are joining, with your German allies from Bavaria and Wurtemberg. In front of you, two Austrian corps stay idle, seemingly hesitating between staying there or retreating towards Ratisbon. What has your opponent, Archduke Charles, have in mind?A game of the 'Vive l'Empereur' series from Azure Wish on regimental scale. The series using standard rules and a set of exclusive rules specific to each battle. The game contains 332 counter, 1 Map, 2 Rules booklets.Gamesystem: - scale = 250 m/hex - time = 30 min/GT - strength = ~600 men/counter (Reg/2xBatt) - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    Ages: 14 and up
    Category: Napoleonic
    Designer: Didier Rouy
    Mechanics: Hex-and-Counter
    Players: 2 to 2
    PrimaryName: Bataille d'Eckmuhl, La
    Product Title: Bataille d'Eckmuhl, La
    Time: 180 minutes
    Year: 1996
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