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Battle of the Halji

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CAD$ 0.00
  • Description
    You are a Halji - a monstrous intelligent life-form. All other life is beneath your contempt. To your complete outrage other Halji have dared to take root in nearby territories. This cannot be tolerated, you must uproot them and send them screaming into the ether.As a plant you cannot attack them directly though. So you must recruit Cretoids - the animal life of this world. These Cretoids must make their way across the map, which is deadly in every way. The Bogs are alive and hungry, the Slime is home to fungi, the Tangle to parasites, the Skringle sharp enough to slice through skin and even the Dust, so safe at first glance, releases a poison-gas should it chance to rain.So your Cretoids attempt to cross the unforgiving terrain, picking up diseases and infections as they go. The Cretoids have a secret weapon though - they can cast magic! Unfortunately, using magic has its cost - its use will cause even more disease amongst your cretoids.And what if a Cretoid should somehow survive all these horrors and somehow reach the feet of a competing Halji - it is rewarded by being detonated and taking the adjacent feet with it.The last Halji remaining is victorious and can exalt in its triumph over the other Halji. - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    Ages: 12 and up
    Mechanics: Hex-and-Counter
    Players: 2 to 6
    PrimaryName: Battle of the Halji
    Product Title: Battle of the Halji
    Publisher: Fugitive Games
    Time: 180 minutes
    Year: 1987
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