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Battle of the Little Bighorn

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CAD$ 0.00
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    New tactical treatment of the battle reflecting the extensive new research and conclusions arising from the archaeological, forensic and ballistic studies carried out on the field in the 1980s and published in the 1990s.The Seventh Cavalry is represented at company level with additional units for Custer, Regimental HQ, Wing Commanders, pack train, packers and scouts. Native Americans are represented by tribal affiliation with the major influential leaders represented. Counters are also provided for camps, Native dependents, and pony herd.Units on both sides may be mounted or dismounted. Fire (including ranged fire for Army units and some Natives) and Melee are both represented. Losses are taken in steps reflecting the loss of from six to ten men. Horses/horse holders are represented separately when units dismount.Graphics for both counters and map are excellent. Each company of the Seventh has a rider mounted on the correctly colored horse for that company. The 17' x 22' map depicts the battlefield area from approximately the point of Reno's charge in the south to the area north of Last Stand Hill (including the fords north of the Native encampment, and 'battle flats,' an area which recent archeology has proven saw action in the engagement). The map shows multiple elevations, coulees (A deep gulch or ravine with sloping sides, often dry in summer), ravines, and woods.Morale plays a vital role in combat resolution and command viability. Leadership is important for command coordination and rally leaders have individual ratings, and Maj. Reno has variable values determined after the fighting starts. Ammunition consumption is represented in either of two optional ways Army ammunition may be replenished from the pack train.The game covers both June 25 and 26, but only the Seventh Cavalry and its scouts and train are represented. Victory is assessed by points for units/leaders lost, dependents captured and Natives exited to the south.This is the first Little Big Horn battle game in many years and the only one which reflects recent scholarship.Nominee for the 2006 Charles S. Roberts awards for Best DTP-Produced Boardgame (Charles S. Roberts Awards).This game is part of a series: Battle of the Rosebud: Prelude to Little Bighorn - June 17th, 1876, Battle of the Little Bighorn, and Adobe Walls November 26, 1864 Indian Wars of the American West -Vol. III. - BoardGameGeek
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