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Battle Stations!

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CAD$ 0.00
  • Description
    At first glance, the basic game bears some resemblance to Stratego. Players set up rows of pieces blind to each other, maneuver around terrain features in the middle of the board, and capture pieces based on a set of value scale rules. However, there are some unusual twists even in the base game:- A player can move forward to a space occupied by another player without attacking the piece.- Attacks may only be made on a piece in front of yours, or in the same space.- The submarine destroys anything it attacks, but is destroyed by anything that attacks it.- There is no equivalent for the Stratego scout in movement for the basic game (but PT boats take on this role in the advanced game).- There is an explicit victory condition for destroying both the opponent's minesweepers and still having a minefield directly in front of your Port.Advanced rules add effects for shallow water, victory conditions based on point values of pieces, and unit repairs. - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    Ages: 9 and up
    Category: Nautical, Wargame
    Designer: John E. Burleson
    Players: 2 to 2
    PrimaryName: Battle Stations!
    Product Title: Battle Stations!
    Time: 0 minutes
    Year: 1952
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