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  • Description
    Bela is a two-player point trick taking game using a 32-card deck, four suits, ace through seven. It was originally invented in Holland but spread around the world by Jewish immirgants. Points are: ace-11, 10-10, king, queen, jack-4,3,2 respectively and the jack and nine of trump worth 20 and 14. Each player is dealt 6 cards, with the next card being turned up as the proposed trump. Players then bid for, or pass on this trump then receive their last 3 cards for the hand. After this, combinations can be called scoring points for the holder of the highest combination (run of 3 or four of a suit and 'Bela' the king and queen of trump). The play of the hand is following suit, with an obligation to trump when out of a suit, and to over trump if possible when trump is lead. the declarer must beat the opponent or will not only lose the hand, but will also lose the points they scored on the hand to the opponent. Games are usually played till one player surpasses 500. - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    Ages: 0 and up
    Category: Card Game
    Designer: (Uncredited)
    Mechanics: Trick-taking
    Players: 2 to 3
    PrimaryName: Bela
    Product Title: Bela
    Publisher: (Public Domain)
    Time: 45 minutes
    Year: 1930
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