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  • Description
    A fascinating game of chance and risk, Biras consists of 6 coloured cubes, a board, and requires between two or more players (aged 7 upwards). There are six levels of play starting at Biras junior and escalating to 'Advanced' level, the most complex yet the most rewarding. Biras is the window into the fantasy world of 'Biasuraam', with the board representing the ancient map of this hidden and splintered world. According to the story, the dark lord Biras is rising once more and threatens to destroy all. The quest is to restore equilibrium and peace into the land, by consulting the cubes and returning them to their rightful keeper. To find out more look on www.birasworld.com - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    Ages: 0 and up
    Designer: Stephanie Starr
    Mechanics: Betting/Wagering
    Players: 2 to 2
    PrimaryName: Biras
    Product Title: Biras
    Publisher: (Unknown)
    Time: 30 minutes
    Year: 2002
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