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  • Description
    Backwards...Left...Any Straight Angle...Right...Forward...let's 'BLARF'Each player has five pieces with the letters B, L, A, R or F printed on one side and A on the other. On each turn, players roll a six-sided die and move one piece the number of spaces indicated in the direction allowed for that piece, or in any direction if the piece is resting on a free (black) square. Then the moved piece is flipped over. Landing upon a free square earns an extra turn. Capturing opposing pieces is by displacement, but capture by jumping is also allowed on a roll of two. Any capture also earns an extra turn. Moving a piece up against the edge of the board indicated by its letter, thus making further moves with that piece impossible, causes that piece to be removed. The last player with pieces remaining on the board wins. - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    Ages: 8 and up
    Designer: Robert H. Hollars
    Players: 2 to 4
    PrimaryName: BLARF
    Product Title: BLARF
    Publisher: Parlor Games, Inc.
    Time: 30 minutes
    Year: 1981
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