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BUX - the matchin' cash-in card game

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CAD$ 0.00
  • Description
    The differences: No cards are ever taken in your hands. Your cards are kept in front of you, side by side, on the table, symbol side up. These cards are called your 'spread'.Your objective: is to have the most chips when the game ends.The Big Idea: buy or swap cards to add to your spread. From your spead make matching 3-card sets to sell back to the Bank for chips. Like Life' Put it together and get Paid.You start with 3 cards and the value of 200 chipsOn your turn, you choose any one of the following: Draw - turn over 3 cards and everyone gets to bin on them Swap - any of your unwanted cards for someone else's unprotected on Cash In - cash in a 3 set set of matching symbols or shapes or both for more chipsThe game ends when the 3rd BUX card appears - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    Ages: 10 and up
    Designer: Charles Phillips
    Mechanics: Set Collection
    Players: 2 to 7
    Publisher: NewsCool, Inc.
    Time: 75 minutes
    Year: 2004
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