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Danger Dive

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CAD$ 0.00
  • Description
    Danger Dive is one of the Milton Bradley 'Flipsiders' games that resembles an audio cassette until you 'flip' the game open. The object of the Diver player is to move the diver along the track to the ocean floor, get the gold and return to the surface without being caught by a sea creature. The Sea Creature player tries to catch the diver by moving either the octopus or the shark onto the diver's space. Two spinners are used for movement. The diver uses either number spun while the sea creatures each use one of the numbers. The diver also has a Stun Gun with four charges which he can use to try and stun (cause to lose turn) one or both creatures. The first player to fulfill his victory conditions wins. - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    Ages: 7 and up
    Category: Nautical
    Designer: (Uncredited)
    Family: Flipsiders
    Mechanics: Roll and Move
    Players: 2 to 2
    PrimaryName: Danger Dive
    Product Title: Danger Dive
    Publisher: Milton Bradley
    Time: 20 minutes
    Year: 1988
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