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  • Description
    Curious combination of speed, dexterity and some bluff. The starting player puts a numbered card in an arena (a plastic dish). Players place or apparently throw numbered cards into the arena. If you do this correctly, so your card covers the opener neatly, you then duel with the starter. You each have a dueling block, showing peace or war. Lay this hidden, and reveal them together. Peace peace means the players swap the cards in the arena. War peace means war takes all the cards but loses 1 of 10 lives. War war means no-one gains cards and both lose a life. If you have no lives, you still duel, but can only place peace. When the game ends, total up the cards you won, most points win. Rules in German, English, French, Italian & Dutch. - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    Ages: 10 and up
    Designer: Alex Randolph
    Players: 3 to 5
    PrimaryName: Dilemma
    Product Title: Dilemma
    Publisher: FX Schmid
    Time: 30 minutes
    Year: 2000
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