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Eldorado (1)

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CAD$ 0.00
  • Description
    A typical simple 'roll the die, move your figure around the spaces in the winding path' game with a gold-mining theme. However, the artwork is colorful and cartoony, and in the middle of the board there's a small 'fort' with tiny cardboard walls you slip into place that holds a large number of rock chips painted yellow to simulate gold. This gold is occasionally weighed on the cardboard scale provided, sometimes along with the cardboard character pieces and their tools, as well as removable cardboard spaces from the path on the board itself. This mechanic of balancing out the items on the scales is the primary 'gimmick' of the game that separates it from others of its ilk. - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    Ages: 0 and up
    Category: American West
    Designer: (Uncredited)
    Players: 2 to 4
    PrimaryName: Eldorado
    Product Title: Eldorado
    Time: 0 minutes
    Year: 1988
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