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  • Description
    The gameboard represents a gully grid. A game about horse droppings and flies.The circular game board is divided into six sectors of different color. Each sector has 15 empty fields (cobble stones). Every player selects one sector as his home turf. The aim of the game is to fill all fields of a single sector with tokens (flies) but keep your own sector clear. Players roll dice and move special tokens (horse droppings) to attract the flies into the sector of their opponents. The player whose home sector holds the fewest fly tokens at the end wins the game.Flycatcher is a derivative of the game Circus Roncalli which was published by Schmidt in 1986.Edition Spielbox No. 61 - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    Ages: 8 and up
    Category: Animals, Dice
    Designer: Knut-Michael Wolf
    Family: Spielbox
    Players: 3 to 6
    PrimaryName: Fliegenfanger
    Product Title: Fliegenfanger
    Publisher: Spielbox
    Time: 30 minutes
    Year: 2003
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