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For the Masses

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CAD$ 0.00
  • Description
    For the Masses is a complete fantasy mass-combat wargame system, designed for use with 15mm miniatures, although any line of miniatures from 6mm up can be used for play. But it is also much more: The flexibility of the system allows players to use any fantasy setting and armies to play out famous fantastical scenarios and ancient epic battles.Several sample army lists are included in the book but the real strength of For the Masses is the unit creation system. This system encourages players to be creative, use their imagination and have fun, which is the way wargaming should be. - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    Ages: 0 and up
    Category: Miniatures
    Designer: Jim Callahan, Noel Weer
    Players: 1 to 16
    PrimaryName: For the Masses
    Product Title: For the Masses
    Time: 3 minutes
    Year: 2004
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