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  • Description

    The Hochseefischer (Offshore fisherman) board displays North and Baltic Sea with several fishing grounds. Every player has a small plastic "trawler", which looks suspiciously like a ferry boat. The predetermined courses often divide and circle back - the player throws two dice and decides if uses both or only one of them to reach the richest fishing ground (herrings just get him 100M (Mark), most profitable (400M) are redfish).

    Manufactured in the socialist/communist German Democratic Republic, the game's objective (make the most money with your ship's payload) seems a little odd, if not "capitalist propaganda".

    After the players think they have caught enough fish (there is a limit), they have to return to their home harbors (which can lie in the GDR but also in West-Germany, Scotland, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, ... - imagine that, until 1989 almost no citizen of the GDR was allowed to travel these countries!). The first players reaching their harbors (there are seven color coded harbors, in contrast to the maximum of six playing pieces) get bonuses. The richest player wins.

    The game had no money bills or tokens - instead every player had to write down his progress on separate sheets of paper (not included).

  • Details
    Ages: 8 and up
    Category: Nautical
    Designer: (Uncredited)
    Publisher: Hugo Gräfe Verlag
    Time: 30 minutes
    Year: 1969
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