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  • Description
    From the introduction to the game, found in Panzerschreck Magazine #12:'Masada is a very simple solitaire 'Panzerschreck' Mini-Sim which covers the siege of Masada in Palestine by the Romans, circa AD 72-73. In Masada, the game system replays the siege the player plays the side of the Romans. As with all Mini-Sims, the game components must be photocopied and cut out prior to play.' - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    Ages: 12 and up
    Category: Ancient, Wargame
    Designer: Gary Graber
    Players: 1 to 1
    PrimaryName: Masada
    Product Title: Masada
    Publisher: Minden Games
    Time: 30 minutes
    Year: 2004
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