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  • Description
    A game in which players make words from a central pool of revealed letters. By making an anagram of other players words, or adding letters, words may be stolen. Designed by the charismatic but maybe slightly loony Professor Julius Sumner Miller who hosted a children's popular science TV show in the 1970s in Australia. Consider this section from the rule book:'It is obvious that longer words are still scarcer and harder to 'operate on'. But - armed as we are with this advice - we have put together A GAME where - to put it briefly - we make words out of letters and other words out of the words already made. And although on the face of it the scheme of things may appear trivial the fact is that this GAME can be made to possess and demand an uncommon intellectual gymnastic.' - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    Ages: 0 and up
    Category: Word
    Mechanics: Tile Placement
    Players: 2 to 6
    PrimaryName: Milleranagrams
    Product Title: Milleranagrams
    Publisher: John Sands Pty Ltd
    Time: 0 minutes
    Year: 1966
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