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  • Description
    Parody of Italian politics in the '80s. Each player leads a party: one is the only honest party (never gets money, but can denounce the politics of the other players he wins if at least 12 are arrested), one is a party that doesn't care any more about shame, corruption, etc. (he wins if no other player wins within 12 turns) and each other party is 'normal' (can do favors, get money from illicit sources, etc. but gains point on the 'shame-meter': higher the shame and more likely is that the voters will vote for another player during the next elections besides if the shame becomes too high the player is eliminated. They win gaining enough votes OR enough money). During each turn the players draw 2 cards each (cards can give money, give votes, move a party on the 'shame-meter': scandals give points, distractions, e.g. the Soccer World Cup is held in Italy, reduce the shame, etc.), then players vote to elect the President, receive money, face scandals, etc. During all the game negotiations can be done and they're never binding (sometimes you can be VERY mean, if you want to). Actions are resolved by either voting (each player has an importance based on the number of electors he represents, of course) or with dice rolling. - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    Ages: 12 and up
    Category: Negotiation
    Mechanics: Voting
    Players: 4 to 7
    PrimaryName: Montecitopoli
    Product Title: Montecitopoli
    Publisher: Alea iacta est
    Time: 150 minutes
    Year: 2003
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