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  • Description
    Tito (and his Partisan Army - Yugoslavia, 1941-45) is an abstract simulation of guerilla warfare in the Balkans during the Second World War. The game portrays all of the elements of this dynamic partisan campaign, which successfully tied down large numbers of Axis troops on occupation duties and eventually helped liberate Yugoslavia and Albania from Axis domination.Originally published in Strategy & Tactics magazine #81, the game included a 22'X34' map, 12 page rulebook, and 200 counters.The maps areas are divided into numerous display boxes (each with their own victory point value) which represent mountains, hideaways, and city objectives. The Yugoslav player gains points for occupying these areas. If the Yugoslav player accumulates more than 500 points over the course of the game (17 turns), he wins... otherwise, the German player does. - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    Ages: 12 and up
    Category: World War II
    Designer: Dick Rustin
    Players: 2 to 2
    PrimaryName: Tito
    Product Title: Tito
    Time: 120 minutes
    Year: 1980
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